Cory “Stunt guy” Dady

Cory “Stunt guy” Dady

Every team has people behind the scenes, people you never see but play an intricate roll in the success of every event, Cory is that guy. A native of the greater Orlando area, Cory spent the majority of his life in Motorcycle building and repair, which he did with his father and later on owning his own shop. In 2003 he began doing a bit of stunt ridding, which still continues to this day. He also started a small business called Booze Bandage (Hangover Cure), which is well received down here in the Keys. His efficiency and reliability are the qualities that set him above the rest. He and his set-up partner flash in, set up all of your equipment for catering and then grab it after the event. We are successful in large part because of our crew and Cory plays a huge roll in the team.

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