Amy “Mom” Lay
A native of the Greater Baltimore Area, Amy moved to Key West in the summer of 2004. She has been in the service business since childhood and then worked in Corporate America for a few years after collage. For the past 8 years she has been coordinating and catering functions for all different types of events. At first she wasn’t sure if working as a catering director was for her. After receiving a photo of one of her first bride’s sonograms a few months after their wedding, she knew this job was for her (and it was locked in even more when she got to meet her first “official Catered Affairs” baby!!! ) Nothing makes her happier than keeping in touch with her couples, getting updates about their new lives (and kids), and she proudly displays all her personalized notes and cards about the impact she makes at her events! With an eye for every detail and a commitment to excellence, Amy believes in leaving no stone unturned. Amy’s most recent move to Social Media/Public Relations and Promotions for all of the companies adds a whole new dimension to the team. Keeping up with event trends, the hottest new cocktails and new menu ideas keeps everything fresh and exciting. Keep an eye out for new things to come!. Within the company we affectionately call her Mom, because she’s always on top of things, knows how to ease your mind and thinks of those special things only a Mom would think about… As a husband and wife team, Amy and Bill understand what it’s like to work together to make sure everything is perfect! She is a beach bum at heart and a self proclaimed “Crazy Dog Mom”to her rescue Great Dane and Pittie Mix.
“You only live once”Charlie Brown to Snoopy – “Wrong, you only die once, you live everyday” Snoopy’s relpy!